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Free WordPress Themes and Plugins


Over the years I've received the benefits of countless others who have contributed free knowledge and resources to the WordPress community. Throughout my time freelancing, I developed a few couple themes and wrote a few simple plugins for my own use.

My goal is to get them cleaned up to make them available to anyone who might find them useful. I plan to provide a post for each plugin / theme as well as a packaged download or the option of pulling them from a GitHub repo. The plugins and themes will not be submitted to, but I am hoping to update them as needed and push updates using a update checker script.

The first plugin was release in 2015, a simple domain redirect for your WordPress site, but has since been updated.

I'll be working on more posts soon and will continue to clean up other themes and plugins I've written. In the meantime, check out my "code" page or GitHub profile to see everything I have available.

For updates when things come available, follow me on Twitter or GitHub.

I'll try to remember to update this list as I make things available, but my "code" page and GitHub will always be the most up-to-date.